Our Ingredients
Reducose® is a proprietary extract made from White Mulberry leaves that are rich in an iminosugar called 1-Deoxynojirimycin (DNJ). Reducose® acts at 3 locations in our body:
DNJ is a reversible, competitive inhibitor of α-glucosidase enzymes, the enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates to facilitate glucose absorption.
When Reducose® is taken before a meal, it prevents α-glucosidase enzyme from breaking down carbohydrates. About 40% of the sugars from the meal won't get broken down, leading to a reduction in blood glucose levels.
Take Reducose® before eating a carbohydrate-rich meal to get the best effective results.
Reducose® prevents 40% carbohydrate breakdown, leaving some carbs undigested in the intestine. Undigested carbohydrates trigger 'ileal brake,' thus inducing satiety and fullness —an ideal solution for weight loss management.
The undigested carbohydrates will further act as a prebiotic to the colon microbiome, which in turn forms small chain
fatty acids (butyrate) to improve gut microbiota and protect the colon.
Suitable for:
1. Individuals with diabetes for better sugar control and to improve insulin sensitivity
2. Individuals who love high carbs and sugary food to stop the mid-afternoon binging, and maintain or lose weight/fats
3. Individuals who want to lose weight and build form