
What are NMN Supplements and How Do They Work To Combat Aging Effects?

As we journey through life, we all share a common fear of aging. It's like a looming presence that gradually creeps into our lives, making us realize that things aren't quite the same as they used to be.

Suddenly, we begin to notice subtle changes, such as a loss of vitality, decreased energy levels, struggling with sleep, or a gradual increase in blood sugar or cholesterol levels. These subtle changes can evoke a sense of concern: Is this aging?

In our quest to reclaim our youthful vitality, we turn to the vast expanse of the internet, seeking anti-aging supplements that promise to restore our vigor and health.

Amidst this search, one name shines brightly: nicotinamide mononucleotide, or NMN – a renowned anti-aging supplement, offering a glimmer of hope in our journey to defy the effects of aging. But what exactly is NMN? In this article, we'll delve into the world of NMN, exploring its role in combatting aging.

What is Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN)?

NMN is a molecule that occurs naturally in our bodies and serves as a vital component fueling our body's functions.[1]

It is a type of nucleotide that plays multiple roles in the body, including being an important building block for DNA.[1]

Inside our cells, NMN converts into another essential molecule called nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), which is arguably the most important molecule in the body, as expert Professor David Sinclair, an anti-aging and longevity researcher from Harvard University said.[2]

Professor David Sinclair has authored the popular science book "Lifespan: Why We Age – and Why We Don't Have To," which focuses on the science behind aging and the possibility of slowing or reversing it. Sinclair's work has garnered widespread recognition and has positioned him as a leading voice in the quest to understand and combat the aging process.

“You could argue NAD is the most important molecule in the body, maybe with the exception of ATP. But without either of them, you’re dead within ~30 seconds!”

 – Professor David Sinclair

NAD keeps our body cells young and alive by repairing, antioxidizing, regenerating cells, and making more energy.[1,2]  All the cells in our body use NAD to function. Without NAD, our cells die.

In simple terms, NMN is like a raw material responsible for making NAD, which all our body cells use to maintain health and function.

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Does NMN Decline During Aging?

As we grow older, the natural levels of NMN in our body significantly decline, leading to a decrease in NAD levels as well. By the time we reach middle age, our NAD levels will have dropped to almost half of what they were in our youth.[3]

This is bad news as low NAD levels are linked to the development of various metabolic disorders or aging-related diseases, including diabetes, fatty liver disease, and dementia.[4] When our cells don’t have enough NAD, they can’t work properly. [4]

A study found that low NAD levels can reduce energy production in our cells' powerhouses, called mitochondria. This can lead to problems like oxidative stress, which damages our DNA, affects our memory and thinking, and causes inflammation.[5]

Doesn’t it just make sense now that we tend to get sick when we're older, but not when we're young? It's all because our bodies have plenty of NMN to make NAD when we're younger!

How Does NMN – NAD Benefit Us?

Studies have shown that NMN can help combat the effects of aging by boosting the level of NAD in the body. This rise in NAD helps cells survive better by increasing energy production and improving cellular repair.

By doing so, NMN may be able to reverse some of the harmful effects of aging and provide potential benefits such as:

  • NMN Contributes to Increased Longevity. Sirtuins, often referred to as the "longevity genes," play a crucial role in managing the aging process within our bodies. These genes safeguard the cells from aging and wearing out. NAD helps activate Sirtuins, which are essential for DNA repair and potentially linked to living longer.[6]

  • NMN Improves Energy Metabolism and Physical Performance. Healthy levels of NAD support our cells in generating energy more effectively, resulting in increased stamina during exercise and improved overall physical performance.[7]

  • NMN Improves Sleep Quality. Research suggests that NMN can have a positive impact on our sleep quality. NMN increases the duration of deep and REM sleep and an overall increase in sleep duration by regulating our circadian rhythm (Sleep-Wake Cycle).[8]

  • NMN Improves Insulin Sensitivity. Increasing NAD levels have been found to enhance insulin sensitivity in overweight or obese women with prediabetes, aiding in better regulation of blood sugar levels.[9]

  • NMN Reduces Heart and Aging-related Disease Risk. NAD protects cells from mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress, which can help prevent neurological diseases like Alzheimer's. High levels of NAD in the blood have been shown to reverse age-related damage to arteries, potentially reducing the risk of heart disease.[1]


How to Boost NMN Levels in Our Body? 

To increase NMN levels in our body, we can consume certain foods that naturally contain NMN, such as broccoli, cabbage, tomatoes, edamame, mushrooms, beef, and shrimp. However, obtaining enough NMN through diet alone can be challenging, as consuming impractically large quantities of these foods would be necessary to reach an effective dose. Therefore, NMN supplementation is often required to boost NAD levels and reap the associated health benefits.

Various supplement options are available to boost NAD levels in the body. Common NAD precursors include Nicotinamide Riboside (NR), Nicotinic Acid (NA), Nicotinamide (Nam), Tryptophan (Trp), and NMN.

However, only NMN and NR are widely recognized as effective NAD boosters, as they have been extensively studied and are known for their ability to significantly increase NAD levels.[5,10] Therefore, NMN and NR supplements are the preferred choices to support healthy aging and increase NAD levels.


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Which Is the Better Choice? - NMN vs. NR Supplementation

Research suggests that both NR and NMN are effective in raising NAD levels, but there are some differences between the two.

Studies have shown that our bodies convert NR into NMN through a series of metabolic processes before being further metabolized into NAD. This means that NR requires an additional step before it is actually converted to NAD for the benefits.[11]

Meanwhile, NMN is directly converted into NAD without the need for further intermediates, making it a better and more efficient choice for rapidly increasing NAD levels compared to NR.

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Can NAD Supplementation Increase NAD Levels?

Recent research suggests that taking NMN supplement could be a better option than NAD. This is because NAD is difficult to absorb through the digestive system due to its large and complex molecular structure. As a result, it is not easily taken up by cells, making it impractical for oral supplementation.[10]

On the other hand, NMN, a smaller molecule, is a direct precursor to NAD and can easily enter cells through a special receptor. Once inside the cell, it is converted into NAD by enzymes and absorbed into the body. Studies have shown that taking NMN orally leads to a significant increase in NAD+ levels in the body.[4,5,10]

Therefore, if you want to boost your NAD levels, supplementing with NMN may be more effective than supplementing with NAD.


Kordel’s NM-Youth – The Anti-Aging Elixir Your Body Craves

Introducing Kordel's NM-Youth with UTHEVER™ NMN, a groundbreaking anti-aging NMN supplement clinically proven to reverse the effects of aging and enhance vitality.

Each 600mg sachet is powered by patented and clinically backed UTHEVER™ NMN, delivering unparalleled support for your healthy aging journey.



Why 600mg UTHEVER™ NMN?

The science supports its efficacy. Unlike many products on the market boasting a 300mg dosage, numerous studies have conclusively demonstrated that a dosage of 600mg yields superior results in elevating NAD+ levels in the blood and enhancing physical performance.

In one clinical study, it was found that the groups taking 600mg and 900mg NMN ran the longest distances showcasing remarkable endurance, surpassing other dosage groups. This highlights the direct correlation between dosage strength and advancements in the aging process.[12]

Moreover, the study highlighted that a 600mg dosage outperformed both 300mg and 900mg dosages in boosting NAD levels.[12] This compelling evidence reinforces the belief in the effectiveness of 600mg UTHEVER™ NMN for promoting optimal health and vitality.

Figure 1: Efficacy of the placebo and three NMN-treated groups



If you are looking for a reliable and effective way to jumpstart your journey to healthy aging, look no further than Kordel's NM-Youth NMN supplement. With numerous studies supporting its ability to boost NAD+ levels and enhance physical performance, Kordel's NMN has proven itself to be a game-changer in the world of anti-aging supplements.

By revitalizing your aging cells, increasing energy metabolism, improving sleep, and reducing the risk of aging-related diseases, Kordel's NMN offers a 600mg superior dosage that outperforms other alternatives in the market. With a steadfast commitment to quality and safety, you can trust Kordel's NM-Youth to deliver the results you're looking for. So, why wait? Take the first step towards vitality and longevity and try Kordel's NM-Youth today!



  1. Meissner, M. (2022). NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide): Benefits, Side Effects, and Dosage. Retrieved from
  2. [email protected]. (2017). David Sinclair’s anti-aging science. Retrieved from
  3. Shade, C. (2020). The Science Behind NMN–A Stable, Reliable NAD+Activator and Anti-Aging Molecule. Integrative Medicine: A Clinician's Journal, 19(1), 12-14.
  4. Okabe, K., Yaku, K., Tobe, K., & Nakagawa, T. (2019). Implications of altered NAD metabolism in metabolic disorders. Journal of Biomedical Science, 26.
  5. Nadeeshani, H., Li, J., Ying, T., Zhang, B., & Lu, J. (2022). Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) as an anti-aging health product – Promises and safety concerns. Journal of Advanced Research, 37, 267-278.
  6. [email protected]. (2017). David Sinclair’s anti-aging science. Retrieved from
  7. Liao, B., Zhao, Y., Wang, D., Zhang, X., Hao, X., & Hu, M. (2021). Nicotinamide mononucleotide supplementation enhances aerobic capacity in amateur runners: A randomized, double-blind study. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 18.
  8. ZHAO, B. Clinical observation of the effect of nicotinamide mononucleotide on the improvement of insomnia in middle aged and old adults. American Journal of Translational Medicine 2022,6(4), 167 176.
  9. Yoshino M, Yoshino J, Kayser BD, Patti GJ, Franczyk MP, Mills KF, et al. Nicotinamide mononucleotide increases muscle insulin sensitivity in prediabetic women. Science. (2021) 372:1224–9. 10.1126/science.abe9985
  10. Ito, T. K., Sato, T., Takanashi, Y., Tamannaa, Z., Kitamoto, T., Odagiri, K., & Setou, M. (2020). A single oral supplementation of nicotinamide within the daily tolerable upper level increases blood NAD+ levels in healthy subjects. Translational Medicine of Aging, 5, 43-51.
  11. Mehmel, M., Jovanović, N., & Spitz, U. (2020). Nicotinamide Riboside—The Current State of Research and Therapeutic Uses. Nutrients, 12(6).
  12. Yi L. The efficacy and safety of β nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) supplementation in healthy middle aged adults: a randomized, multicenter , double blind, placebo controlled, parallel group, dose dependent clinical trial. GeroScience. 2023




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