
Are Multiple Medications Wrecking Your Liver & Kidney? Discover a Simple Step to Minimize the Damage!

The Growing Concern of Polypharmacy Among the Elderly

As we age, the number of prescribed medications often increases, ranging from statins to treat cholesterol levels,  proton pump inhibitors for acid reflux, and metformin to control sugar levels, to strong analgesics for pain relief. This plethora of medications is known as  polypharmacy.  Although it appears to offer a comprehensive treatment to multiple health problems, polypharmacy carries a number of  risks, particularly for the aging population.

Recent research highlights a concerning trend: in Malaysia, nearly half of the population over 60 years old experiences the effects of polypharmacy.[1] The kidneys, vital organs for filtering waste from the blood[4], are significantly affected by polypharmacy. About 20% of acute renal failure cases in both  community settings  and hospital environments are linked to medication usage. Alarmingly, drug-induced kidney issues affect up to 60% of the elderly,[2] underscoring the delicate balance required in managing health and medication at an advanced age.

Similarly,  the liver, which plays a critical role in metabolizing substances, can suffer from the excessive burden of processing multiple drugs.[4] In the United States, drug-related liver damage is among the top causes of acute liver failure.[3]



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Understanding The Effects of Medications on Liver & Kidney Health in the Elderly

Introduction to Vital Detoxification Organs. The liver and kidneys are fundamental to our health, serving as essential detoxification centers. They work tirelessly to breakdown and eliminate the medication byproducts. The liver, a central player in drug metabolism, processes various substances before they can be cleared out of the body, while the kidneys filter and eliminate waste products through urine.[4]

The Risk Factors Associated with Medication Overload.  These key detox organs are exposed to potential toxin-induced damage due to their critical roles in detoxification. Continuous and excessive use of medications can significantly strain their functions, potentially leading to the harmful buildup of drugs or their metabolites within the body. Such a scenario poses serious health risks and can lead to critical conditions requiring medical attention.

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Age-Related Declines in Organ Functions. As we age, the efficiency of our liver and kidneys in processing drugs tends to decrease. This is particularly concerning for the elderly, who may face enhanced effects of medications due to slower drug metabolism[5]. The reduced capability of these organs to handle medications efficiently can increase the likelihood of adverse drug reactions. These reactions not only lead to potential hospitalization but also deteriorate the overall quality of life and health outcomes for older adults.[1]

Unlock Natural Detox and Enhanced Organ Health with Robuvit®

What is Robuvit®?

Originating from the pristine forests of the Massif Central region in France, Robuvit® is a groundbreaking natural liver and kidney enhancer made from French Oak Tree Extract, with over 40% polyphenols. This powerful compound includes roburins and other vital polyphenols like vescalagin and castalagin, which play a crucial role in maintaining and enhancing organ function.

The Dual-Action Efficacy of Robuvit®

1. Boosting Energy and Function at the Cellular Level

Robuvit® excels in energizing organs from cellular levels, principally by rejuvenating worn-out mitochondria—the powerhouse of cells. This is particularly critical for your liver and kidneys, which require constant high energy to process toxins effectively. By improving mitochondrial function and balance, Robuvit® helps to restore kidney function and support overall liver and kidney health.

2. Promoting Cellular Regeneration through Protein Synthesis

The second mechanism through which Robuvit® supports organ health is by stimulating ribosomal protein synthesis. This process is vital for the regeneration of liver and kidney cells. Innovative activation of ribosomal protein synthesis promotes better protein creation, which is essential for these organs to repair themselves and perform their detoxifying functions effectively.

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The Clinical Backing of Robuvit®

Research and Results

Robuvit® is clinically proven and has been shown in various studies to alleviate temporary, moderate liver and kidney dysfunction.

1. Liver Health

  • A significant study has highlighted the ability of Robuvit to normalize liver enzymes in patients with transient liver failure within just four weeks. [6]
  • Another study of  patients sufffering from  non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) showed marked improvement in liver function and delayed progression of liver fibrosis after three months of taking Robuvit®.[7]

2. Kidney Health

  • Robuvit® has demonstrated its efficacy by improving kidney function in hypertensive patients, who experienced increased urine output and normalized albumin levels after one month of consistent intake, with no adverse effects reported.[8]

The Natural Path to Enhanced Liver and Kidney Health

Embrace Kordel’s Renawell with Robuvit®, your natural solution to liver and kidney health challenges. This is an advanced liver and kidney detox solution that gives you all-round protection!

By choosing this natural liver and kidney enhancer, you are not only simplifying your health program, but also ensuring that your organs function efficiently and robustly. Experience the benefits of being energized at the cellular level, and support your body's liver and kidney detoxification processes with the scientifically-backed, potent power of Robuvit®.


If you or your elderly loved ones are taking multiple medications, you may be at  higher risk for liver and kidney damage. Fortunately, Kordel's Renawell with Robuvit® can help protect your liver and kidney and maintain their health.

It's an excellent choice for anyone with polypharmacy. You can rely on Kordel's Renawell to keep your liver and kidneys functioning optimally, without any adverse events or side effects. Don't let polypharmacy put your liver and kidneys at risk – choose Kordel's Renawell today!



  1. Chang, T., Ang, Y., Islam, M. A., Chan, K., Cheah, K., & Gan, S. H. (2021). Prevalence of Drug-Related Problems and Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use in Malaysia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of 37,249 Older Adults. Pharmaceuticals, 14(3).
  2. Naughton CA. Drug-induced nephrotoxicity. Am Fam Physician. 2008 Sep 15;78(6):743-50. PMID: 18819242.
  3. David, S., & Hamilton, J. P. (2009). Drug-induced Liver Injury. US Gastroenterology & Hepatology Review, 6, 73.
  4. Garza AZ, Park SB, Kocz R. Drug Elimination. [Updated 2023 Jul 4]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-. Available from:
  5. Katella, K. (2020). Do You Really Need All of Those Medications? Retrieved from,medications%20as%20you%20get%20older.
  6. Belcaro G, Gizzi G, Hu S, et al. Robuvit® (French oak wood extract) in the management of functional, temporary hepatic damage. A registry, pilot study. Minerva Med. 2014;105(1):41-50.
  7. Belcaro G, Cox DM, Cesarone MR, et al. Effects of Robuvit® on the progression of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Minerva Gastroenterol (Torino). 2022;68(4):434-441. doi:10.23736/S2724-5985.22.03201-6
  8. Ledda A, Belcaro G, Feragalli B, et al. Temporary kidney dysfunction: Robuvit® supplementation in initial, transient kidney insufficiency and micro-macro albuminuria. Panminerva Med. 2018;60(2):60-64. doi:10.23736/S0031-0808.18.03420-1






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