
How To Lower Blood Sugar Levels After Eating Without Reducing Carbs?

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The Sugar Rollercoaster 

Indulging in sugary treats and carb-loaded goodies is a shared joy that many of us can relate to. There's something magical about that instant happiness, often referred to as the "sugar high." 

Consuming sugary or high-carb foods, whether it's a tasty chocolate or a delicious pastry, often leads to a temporary increase in energy and happiness. These sweet treats make us feel good by triggering happy chemicals in our brains.[1] 

However, this is typically followed by a “sugar crash”. This crash is marked by a sudden drop in energy levels, leaving you feeling tired, sluggish and more sugar cravings.[2] This fluctuation in blood sugar levels contributes to this rollercoaster effect. 

Unfortunately, many people grapple with imbalanced blood sugar levels, finding themselves trapped on a sugar rollercoaster. This leads to frequent spikes and crashes, resulting in fatigue, brain fog and constant sugar cravings. Sound familiar? 

The Crash of Sugar Rollercoaster 

Frequent blood sugar spikes and crashes can result in short-term tiredness and hunger. If this pattern persists, it may eventually contribute to weight gain and the development of diabetes.[2] 

This is because prolonged exposure to high sugar levels challenges the body's ability to regulate insulin effectively. Consequently, the pancreas may struggle to maintain normal blood sugar levels, leading to insulin resistance. This insulin resistance, combined with the strain on the pancreatic function, increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.[2,3]

Thus, maintaining consistent stable blood sugar levels without the rollercoaster effect can be the key to preventing the onset of diabetes and delaying any potential diabetes complications.  


Preventing Blood Sugar Spikes with Glycemic Index 

The glycemic index (GI) is a value to determine whether a carbohydrate-containing food raises blood glucose levels quickly, moderately or slowly.[4] This index measures the impact of a specific food on blood sugar levels.[4,5] 

  • GI ranks food on a scale from 0 to 100
    - Low GI: 55 or less 
    - Medium GI: 56 – 69 
    - High GI: 70 or above 
  • Low-GI foods = little effect on blood sugar levels
  • High GI foods = big effect on blood sugar levels

High-GI foods typically consist of refined carbs like table sugar, white bread, white rice, candy, and sugary drinks. These foods are easily digested and absorbed by the body. This causes a dramatic sugar and insulin spike. 

The sugar spike followed by a subsequent drop, not only triggers hunger but also contributes to overeating and weight gain.6 In the long term, this favours the expansion of fat stores as quick blood sugar spikes can easily transform into fat storage, causing weight gain. 

On the other hand, low-GI foods are often less processed and rich in fibre. They are less easily digested, resulting in a gradual and slower increase in blood sugar levels, preventing sugar spikes. Examples of low-GI food include whole grains, brown rice, basmati rice, legumes, fruits, and vegetables.[5] 

White Mulberry Leaf Extract – Lower Glycemic Index in Every Food You Eat!

We've all been there – having whole grains at every meal can be challenging, no matter how hard we try. Time constraints and limited healthy options around the workplace make it tough. 

And let's be honest, the temptation of refined carbs is real! Who can resist a thirst-quenching ice cream treat, especially on a hot sunny day? Even with the awareness of a potential sugar spike, it's just so hard to resist sometimes!

Introducing Kordel’s White Mulberry Leaf Extract – with just a capsule before every meal, you can effortlessly reduce the GI and enjoy lower blood sugar levels after meal!

It is scientifically formulated and contains Reducose® - a patented extract from the mulberry leaf (Morus alba). This plant-based innovation is clinically proven to reduce blood sugar and insulin levels by more than 40% after 2 hours of consuming carb-rich meals or snacks.[7]

With these powerful effects, Kordel's White Mulberry Leaf Extract aims to help you manage your blood sugar levels and support weight loss. 


How Does Reducose® Work to Reduce Sugar Levels After Eating?   

Reducose® works by blocking an enzyme called Alpha-glucosidase. When you take Reducose® before a meal, it prevents this enzyme from breaking down carbohydrates

This means that about 40% of the sugars from your meal won't get broken down, leading to reduced blood glucose levels.[7] It's important to take Reducose® before eating to get the best results. 

This fact is clinically proven by a 2021 double-blind randomised controlled study, which showed that Reducose® significantly reduced blood sugar levels by 42% when individuals consumed sucrose (table sugar) compared to those in the placebo group.[7]

From this study it is evident that Reducose® not only lowers blood glucose levels and consequent insulin production, it also prevents the sugar crash. This ensures sustainable energy throughout the day and minimises cravings for sugary snacks making it an ideal solution for those who crave high-carb and sugary foods.

In a 2018 study, Reducose® was found to be effective in reducing blood glucose spikes and lowering the GI of common carbs.[8] The GI of sucrose found in pancakes was reduced by an impressive 33%. This makes Reducose® a valuable help for anyone looking to monitor their carbs intake and blood sugar levels. 


Reducose® Promotes Satiety and Protects Colon Health 

Reducose® prevents 40% carbohydrate breakdown, leaving some carbs undigested in the intestine. This triggers the 'ileal brake,' enhancing satiety and curbing second-meal cravings—an ideal solution for weight-conscious individuals. 

Moreover, these undigested carbs become prebiotics in the colon, actively supporting and promoting overall colon health. This dual action makes Reducose® a compelling choice for those looking to manage weight and prioritize gut health with confidence.

Kordel’s White Mulberry Leaf Extract with Dual Actions of Reducose® 

Kordel’s White Mulberry Leaf Extract delivers optimal and highly effective results, particularly when paired with a carbohydrate-rich meal. 

To maximize its benefits, consume one capsule just 10 minutes before indulging in your favourite high carbs meal. This strategic timing ensures you experience the full potential of Kordel’s White Mulberry Leaf Extract in managing your carbohydrate intake effectively.

  • Works immediately and you can observe the results 
  • Worry less about hidden sugars & carbs 
  • Feel better and balanced 
  • Fits simply and naturally in your life 
  • Take back control and love your food, again!

So why wait? Join the countless individuals who have already benefited from the power of Kordel’s White Mulberry Leaf extract and savour your carbs worry-free! 



  1. Mantantzis, K., Schlaghecken, F., Sünram-Lea, S. I., & Maylor, E. A. (2019). Sugar rush or sugar crash? A meta-analysis of carbohydrate effects on mood. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 101, 45-67. 
  2. Rowles, A. (2023). How to Prevent Blood Sugar Spikes. Retrieved from
  3. Diabetes: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Prevention, and More. (2023). Retrieved 16 August 2023, from
  4. Diabetes UK. (n.d.). Glycaemic index and diabetes. Retrieved from
  5. Ahmed, J., Riaz, M., & Imtiaz, R. (2021). Glycemic index and Glycemic load values. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, 37(4), 1246-1247.
  6. Ball SD, Keller KR, Moyer-Mileur LJ, Ding YW, Donaldson D, Jackson WD. Prolongation of satiety after low versus moderately high glycemic index meals in obese adolescents. Pediatrics. 2003 Mar;111(3):488-94. doi: 10.1542/peds.111.3.488. PMID: 12612226. 
  7. Thondre PS, Lightowler H, Ahlstrom L, Gallagher A. Mulberry leaf extract improves glycaemic response and insulaemic response to sucrose in healthy subjects: results of a randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled study. Nutr Metab (Lond). 2021 Apr 15;18(1):41. doi: 10.1186/s12986-021-00571-2. Erratum in: Nutr Metab (Lond). 2021 May 26;18(1):52. PMID: 33858439; PMCID: PMC8047566. 
  8. Wang, R., Li, Y., Mu, W., Li, Z., Sun, J., Wang, B., Zhong, Z., Luo, X., Xie, C., & Huang, Y. (2018). Mulberry leaf extract reduces the glycemic indexes of four common dietary carbohydrates. Medicine, 97(34). 

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