
What is R-Alpha Lipoic Acid - The Secret to Live Longer and Better

Food, Glorious Food!

As Malaysians, we love our food. Thanks to our cultural diversity, we are blessed with different flavours and speciality dishes, literally at anytime and anywhere. Some of us regarded food as bridging the community, nurturing relationships, celebrating milestones and giving us a feeling of gratitude for life.

Some, especially youngsters, view food as a trend such as the popularity of boba tea. It is not surprising to see shops selling boba tea mushrooming everywhere.  We love to have a glass of teh tarik to accompany our breakfast, a cool sweet drink or desserts to quench our thirst on a hot sunny day. Unsurprisingly, Malaysia is one of Asia's “sweetest” nations with the obesity rate climbing fast. 

Sugar: Sweet Ally or Sneaky Foe?

Sugar can be beneficial or detrimental to us. It provides us with immediate energy and makes us happy.

When we eat sugary foods, the brain’s reward system gets activated. It increases our endorphin levels – the feel-good hormone- that provides us with a temporary boost in our mood but the boost may wane quickly.

Sugar also has addictive effects and makes us crave more. However, taking too much sugar is damaging to our health. Excess sugar is stored in the fat cells, the blood sugar levels are raised, and the risk of getting diabetes and heart diseases is elevated. 

ALA – Supports Your Sugar Control

Uncontrolled diabetes is characterized by consistently high blood sugar levels which can lead to several health problems such as vision loss, kidney failure, and heart disease.

Evidence suggests that alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) can help improve blood sugar control in animals and humans. In animal studies, ALA has been found to reduce blood sugar levels by up to 64%.

Human studies have also shown that it may reduce insulin resistance and lower fasting blood glucose and HbA1c levels. ALA plays a critical role in metabolizing glucose into energy. Additionally, some studies have shown that ALA helps to reduce the accumulation of fats in muscle cells.

Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) can lower the risk of diabetes complications like diabetic retinopathy and ease symptoms of nerve damage caused by high blood sugar levels.

Its antioxidant properties can reduce symptoms of neuropathy such as pain, tingling and prickling in the feet. Additionally, ALA can protect the retina from damage that can occur in diabetics (Melinda Ratini, 2020).


ALA - The Natural Biological Antioxidant

ALA, or alpha-lipoic acid, acts like a shield against the harmful effects of free radicals caused by ageing and high sugar levels in the body. What makes ALA stand out is its special ability to enhance and renew the body's antioxidants—like glutathione, vitamin C, and vitamin E—giving it a chance to keep working (Packer et al., 1995; Wollin and Jones, 2003).

Typically, when an antioxidant battles unstable free radicals, it becomes "worn out" and loses its effectiveness. ALA, however, steps in to recharge these antioxidants, preventing them from becoming useless.

Recent studies have uncovered a new way that ALA works as an antioxidant. This discovery opens up possibilities for treating diseases linked to chronic inflammation. This finding is particularly significant for conditions such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes, offering a potential strategy for better management and prevention.

Not All ALA are Created Equal

ALA, or alpha-lipoic acid, is a powerful antioxidant found in foods like dark leafy greens, broccoli, beef, and organ meats, but you need to eat a lot to get enough. Because it's hard to get enough from food, many people take ALA supplements. But here's the thing: not all ALA supplements are the same.

Most contain a mix of natural ALA (called r-ALA) and synthetic ALA (s-ALA). The natural form, r-ALA, is great because it helps our body produce energy, but it's found to be physically unstable at room temperature. Therefore, to make it last, they added the synthetic kind, s-ALA. However, research indicated that s-ALA may inhibit the absorption of r-ALA and may be toxic to our bodies.


R-ALA – The Right And Real ALA

For maximum benefits of ALA, it is recommended to choose a product that contains natural R-ALA only. R-ALA is the form of ALA that the body produces and requires, therefore it is the ideal choice.

Bio-Enhanced® R-Lipoic Acid is specially formulated with natural R-ALA and is free of S-ALA. It is also stable at room temperature and in the stomach, making it more easily absorbed by the body.

Compared to the mixture of RS-ALA, R-ALA is four times more potent because the body recognizes and knows how to use it effectively. As a result, a lower dosage is required, without any toxicity. Only ¼ of the dosage needed for RS-ALA is required for R-ALA.



If you've been diagnosed with diabetes, it's crucial to have a plan in place to avoid diabetes complications in the long run. Consider incorporating Kordel's R-ALA into your routine—it not only helps regulate blood sugar but also protects you from complications, such as diabetic neuropathy. This supplement can be a valuable ally in managing the challenges that may come with diabetes.  

  • Kordel’s R-ALA uses Bio-Enhanced® R-Lipoic Acid – the patented R-ALA which is 4x stronger and better absorbed by the body compared to other ALA supplements on the market.
  • ALA is the only water- and fat-soluble powerful antioxidant that protects nerve cells from oxidative stress and damage to prevent the progression of peripheral neuropathy.
  • ALA may also reduce fat deposition in fat cells, increasing insulin sensitivity to improve sugar uptake into cells.

Take one capsule before a meal once daily. Prioritize your blood sugar levels with Kordel's R-ALA today!


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